Mazda Soul Red Crystal Paint Potential Class Action
Our firm is investigating a potential class action lawsuit against Mazda for issues related to their Soul Red Crystal Paint color. We...

Will I Go To Jail For A DUI?
Will I go to jail for a DUI in Pennsylvania? This is a question that I am often asked and the answer depends on a number of factors. If...
What should I do if I'm arrested?
As a criminal defense attorney, one of the first things I am often asked when meeting new people is "What should I REALLY do if I get...

How to Legally Avoid DUI Checkpoints
DUI checkpoints are legal so long as they meet certain requirements. The legality of the checkpoint depends upon: The length of the stop;...

Examples of New Jersey Car Dealer Fraud
Car dealers commit fraud in a multitude of ways, but the most common examples include material misrepresentation and omissions. Examples...

Governor Wolf Signs "Clean Slate" Bill – Sealing Non-Convictions and Certain Nonviolent Cr
By signing House Bill No. 1419, Governor Wolf initiated a new process for sealing criminal records. The law will seal charges that did...

Bail in Pennsylvania
Bail in Pennsylvania | Philadelphia Bail Assignment Lawyer When a defendant is charged with a crime, the first hearing in their case will...

Ferrari Admits to Mileage Rollbacks
Ferrari has admitted to knowingly allowing its dealers to roll back mileage on pre-owned vehicles. In a whistleblower lawsuit filed by a...

Police Can Access Your Phone Location Data Without a Warrant
Is it a privacy violation for police to access your phone location data without a warrant? I’d venture to say that most Americans feel...

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Pennsylvania Open Tomorrow
The long wait for medicinal marijuana is coming to an end for Pennsylvania residents. The first dispensary in Pennsylvania is scheduled...